
Cafe poster

The Café

"A Small Café?"

For some time now, we missed a plat­­form on the web, a plea­s­ant and in­spir­ing small sect­ion on li­ter­ature, philo­sophy, cri­ti­­cism, chron­i­cles, and, hope­fully, cle­ver state­­ments, dis­course and de­bate.

In other words, a kind of old-style coffee house; not for the hoi polloi but for the discerning few. So we introduce you to life at our and your vir­tual Small Café, serving a little distraction from the daily grind, among other things.

A Small Café, some tables in a friendly atmos­phere, corners and niches for quiet conver­sa­tions or reading, engaging and likeable people. A bar and a fireplace for the cold months. No cell­phones, no tablets. And, what's important on war­mer days, some tables outside in the sun (or shade) of the day or in the candlelight of the evening and night.

New patrons are always wel­come and the café's waiter will serve you with pleasure: "Enjoy." We hope this spot will become a relaxing surprise to spend a break, some minutes over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine — to meet old and new friends.

… and all guests are welcome to talk the language of their choice.

The Latest Contribution


Spring 2024

Albert Camus
• La nouvelle génération
• The younger generation
• Die junge Generation

All Contributions — by author


Spring/Summer 2017
Paolo Bianco
I cervelli di Deviatkino

• The brains of Devyatkino — Presentation [EN]
• I cer­vel­li di De­viat­kino [IT]


Spring/Summer 2018
Peter de Chamier
Der Detektiv in der Literatur

• Vorstellung [DE]
• Der Detektiv in der Literatur [DE]


Summer 2020
Peter de Chamier
Odysseus' Schiff

• Vorstellung [DE|EN]
• Odysseus' Schiff [DE]


Winter/Spring 2023
Santiago Ramón y Cajal
Reglas y Consejos sobre Investigación Científica • Rules and Advice on Scientific Investigation

• Presentación [ES]
• Preocupaciones ener­va­do­ras del prin­ci­piante [ES]

• Presentation [EN]
• Daunting worries of the novice [EN]


Autumn/Winter 2016/2017
Peter A. Rinck
Medizinische Klimatologie — das Beispiel der kli­ma­ti­schen Kur­orte im Ober­ita­lieni­schen Seen­gebiet

• Vorstellung [DE|EN]
• Kli­ma­ti­sche Kur­orte in Ober­ita­lien [DE]


Autumn/Winter 2019/2020
Peter A. Rinck
Re­search and Science: From Individuals to Socie­ties — Alex­an­der von Hum­boldt in Spain

• Presentation [EN]
• Alex­an­der von Hum­boldt in Spain [EN]


Autumn/Winter 2015/2016
Regine C. Schulz
The Creation of the World — On the Variety of Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths

• Presentation [EN]
• On the Variety of Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths [EN]


Autumn/Winter 2023
Heinrich Spoerl
Bücher haben ihr Schicksal

• Vorstellung [DE]
• Bücher haben ihr Schicksal [DE]


Autumn/Winter 2014/2015
Alexander von Wyttenbach
Die Vernunft als Untertan des Unbewussten

• Vorstellung [DE]
• Die Vernunft als Untertan des Unbewussten [DE]

All Contributions — by date


Autumn/Winter 2014/2015
Alexander von Wyttenbach
Die Vernunft als Untertan des Unbewussten

Mit einem Geleitwort von Peter A. Rinck


Autumn/Winter 2015/2016
Regine C. Schulz
The Creation of the World
On the Variety of Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths


Autumn/Winter 2016/2017
Peter A. Rinck
Medizinische Klimatologie
Dargestellt am Beispiel der kli­ma­ti­schen Kur­orte im Ober­italienischen Seen­gebiet


Spring/Summer 2017
Paolo Bianco
I cervelli di Deviatkino
The Brains of Devyatkino


Spring/Summer 2018
Peter de Chamier
Der Detektiv in der Literatur
Ein Essay zum Eigengebrauch


Autumn/Winter 2019/2020
Peter A. Rinck
Re­search and Science:
From Individuals to Socie­ties

Alex­an­der von Hum­boldt in Spain


Summer 2020
Peter de Chamier
Odysseus' Schiff
Ein Essay zum Eigengebrauch


Autumn/Winter 2020/2021
Johann P. Eckermann
Die frühen Jahre
The Early Life


Summer 2021
Siegfried Ostrowski
Vom Schicksal jüdischer Ärzte im Dritten Reich
The Fate of Jewish Physicians in the Third Reich


Spring 2022
Wolfgang Borchert
Nachts schlafen die Ratten doch
At night the rats sleep


Winter/Spring 2023
Santiago Ramón y Cajal
Reglas y Consejos sobre Investigación Científica
Rules and Advice on Scientific Investigation


Autumn/Winter 2023
Heinrich Spoerl
Bücher haben ihr Schicksal


Spring 2024
Albert Camus
La nouvelle génération
The younger generation